When and Where | A Church for Maypearl | What We Believe | Meet the Team | Families with Kids | Why do you do that?


A Church for Maypearl

For over 100 years, Maypearl Church of Christ has been a church community where the people of Maypearl could find help and hope. While we cherish our heritage, our eyes are fixed on the future of our church and surrounding community. We believe God is calling us to be “A Church for Maypearl” and that means focusing on the following three things.

Family. The church is more than a group of people with similar beliefs. It is a family united by blood and Spirit of Jesus. We look for ways to embody our family life together throughout the year, from little children to the great-grandparents among us.

Service. We are not only a church in Maypearl, but a church for Maypearl. We believe God is calling us to be a blessing to our community, to work for its good, and to help it flourish. That call to serve is not limited to the city of Maypearl or the surrounding area. It is our call in whatever community we find ourselves.

Hospitality. When we say we are a church for Maypearl, we mean that are a church where people like those in Maypearl can come and find welcome and a sense of home. We believe God calls us to extend hospitality to our neighbors, even as our neighborhoods are rapidly changing.


What We Believe

About God

We believe in one God who exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. As such, God is a community of self-giving love.

We believe this God created and sustains the universe. God exists from all eternity, knows all things, is personally present in all places, is all-powerful, and is perfectly good.

We believe God is patient, kind, humble, holy, faithful, righteous, compassionate, and generous.

Exodus 34:6-7 | John 1:1 | Romans 1:20 | 1 Corinthians 13:4-72 Corinthians 13:14 | 1 John 4:8

About Jesus

We believe Jesus of Nazareth is God the Son, eternally begotten of the Father. He is the wisdom and love of God now become human. He is essentially one with the Father and the Spirit.

We believe Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life, during which he performed many miracles and taught the will of God. His essential message was that God was becoming king of the world through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is fully human, the prototype for every human life.

We believe Jesus died for our sins, that he was resurrected in the body on the third day, and that he ascended into heaven where he currently intercedes for us and from whence he will come in judgment. Jesus is the Son of Man, a title derived from Daniel 7. As such, he is the true and rightful ruler of the world, and all people and human systems will be accountable to him.

Matthew 1:22-23 | John 1:1, 14, 18 | Acts 10:37-43 | 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 | Ephesians 2:4-8 | Philippians 2:5-11 | Colossians 1:15-21 | Hebrews 1:1-3 | Daniel 7:13-14

About the Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the personal life and presence of God, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

We believe the Spirit was instrumental in the composition of the Bible and that he indwelled a few select individuals before Jesus. When he ascended into heaven, Jesus poured out his Spirit on all his disciples.

We believe the Spirit enables men and women to surrender their hearts to God.

We believe the Spirit is active in the life of the believer by convicting, encouraging, empowering for good works, and guiding one to truth.

We believe the Spirit comes to indwell a believer at his or her baptism.

Isaiah 11:2 | John 14:16-17 | John 16:7-13 | Acts 2:38 | 1 Corinthians 2:10 | 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 | Ephesians 3:16-20 | Ephesians 5:18

About the Bible

We believe the Bible is a unified collection of writings which faithfully records God's interaction with the world. This ongoing story culminates in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

We believe the Bible is “inspired,” meaning that God’s Spirit brings these human words to life, adopting them as God’s own words. As such, it is also authoritative for the believer.

Psalm 19:7-11 | Psalm 119:105 | John 17:17 | 1 Thessalonians 2:13 | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 | Hebrews 4:122 Peter 1:20-21

About the Church

We believe the church is a community of people saved by God. The church is the ongoing presence of Jesus in the world (i.e. “the body of Christ”) and is empowered by God’s Spirit.

We believe the church is a sign of the arrival of God’s kingdom. The church is a witness to the reality that heaven has broken into history ahead of its full arrival at the return of Jesus. As such, the church is guided by the ethic of God’s kingdom and seeks to live today as if heaven were already present.

We believe the life and worship of the church is determined by the story of Jesus, not by a list of rules or guidelines drawn piecemeal from the New Testament.

We believe the worship of the church consists fundamentally in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (see below for more on the Lord’s Supper). In practicing the Lord’s Supper, we personally commune with Jesus and are sent into the world to spread the kingdom further.

Matthew 16:15-18 | John 17:20-23 | John 13:34-35 | Acts 2:42-47 | 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 | Ephesians 1:22-23 | Ephesians 2:19-22 | 1 Peter 2:4-10

About Hope

We believe Jesus will one day return to the earth. When he does, he will make creation new again and reconcile all things to himself. The saved will live with Jesus in an immortal human body, while the lost will be sent to destruction.

We believe in the resurrection of the body. When we die, our bodies decay and our spirit returns to God; but when Jesus returns, our spirits will be reunited to our bodies.

We believe this future hope has already arrived in part through the resurrection of Jesus, and we are invited to live now in that future kingdom of God.

Philippians 3:20-21 | 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 | Romans 8:11 | Matthew 10:28


Meet the Team

Parker Bullard, Preaching and Teaching Minister

Originally from Kansas City, Parker knew from his youth that he would be a preacher. He was heavily involved in school and community theatre throughout his teen years, but all the while he knew that God was preparing him for a life of public speaking in the church. Parker graduated from Oklahoma Christian University with a degree in Bible. It was there that he met Katie, and the two were married in 2010. Parker and Katie spent ten years ministering with a church in the mountains of Colorado before coming to Texas in 2021. Parker holds two Master's degrees from Harding School of Theology in divinity and Old Testament. He and Katie have three children, whom they homeschool.


Tony Tucker, Youth and Family Minister

Tony is a lifelong resident of Texas. He grew up in Kaufman raising cattle. After graduating from his own youth group, Tony sensed a calling to continue serving teenagers as an intern before pursuing full-time youth ministry. He studied at Sunset School of Preaching and Lubbock Christian University, where he met Sarah. The two of them married in 2008 and have two boys. They are actively involved with Boy Scouts and youth sports. Tony has now been in youth ministry for over twenty years in communities across North Texas, and he has been with us since 2019.


Carter Vaughan, Congregational and Outreach Minister

Carter Vaughan began his work with the Maypearl Church of Christ in 2011. He married his wife Mileta on 6-2-79 which is ironic because when they were dating he constantly called her home phone number of (214) 224-6279. They raised 3 sons (Jerrod, Landon, and Drew) in Maypearl and now they also claim Eric Norwood as he spent much time with the family growing up. Carter and Mileta are so thankful to GOD for their sons, 4 daughters-in-law, and 9 grandchildren.


James Beam, Shepherd

James and his wife Gena have a long history in ministry. James previously served Maypearl Church of Christ as youth minister and then as preaching minister. They have also served churches in Oklahoma and South Dakota before returning to Maypearl. James became one of our shepherds in 2019. He and Gena have two children and three grandsons.





Paul Day, Shepherd

Native to DeSoto, Paul has lived in the Maypearl area for over thirty years. Paul has worked in excavation and road-building for many years. His wife KayLynn works in education administration. Paul became a shepherd in 2022. He and KayLynn have two children and two grandchildren.





Steve Mulvany, Shepherd

Steve is a lifelong resident of the Maypearl area. He formerly served as the Maypearl mayor, firefighter, and paramedic. He is also a pilot and a skilled contractor. Steve became a shepherd in 2022. He and his wife Toni have one daughter and two granddaughters.






John Oliver, Shepherd

John is a native of North Texas. He and his wife Brenda own and operate a manufacturing company that makes large flooring machines. They also raise and show longhorn cattle with their grandkids. John has served as a shepherd since 1999. He and Brenda have three sons and eight grandchildren.





Families with Kids

Roughly half of our membership is comprised of families with young kids, so we realize parents have unique needs when visiting a church. Here are some of the options available you as the parent of a young child. (Note: All children's ministry volunteers must pass an annual background check before serving.)

Ages 0–2A supervised nursery will be available just off the main auditorium. Of course you are always welcome to keep your children with you if you prefer.

Ages 3–5. Once a month, we offer a special worship experience just for kids aged 3–5 years. The kids begin worship in the main auditorium before being dismissed with designated children's ministry volunteers to a separate space until the end of the service.

Ages 3–18. On Sundays, we offer age-specific Bible classes at 9:00 for ages 3–18. On Wednesdays, we also have classes and a seasonal mentor program at 6:30. The youth group (grades 6–12) also participates in a variety of camps, retreats, and events throughout the year.


Why do you do that?

Visitors to our church often ask about two noticeable, distinctive elements of our worship service.

The Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper is an ancient rite observed by all sorts of churches, though practiced in different ways. (It is also known as Holy Communion or the Eucharist.) The basic idea common to all of them is that Jesus' body and blood are symbolized by or mysteriously present in a piece of bread and a cup of wine or juice. In eating and drinking, we are taking Jesus' resurrection life into ourselves and putting our unity into practice.

In Churches of Christ, the Lord's Supper is practiced every single week. In fact, at Maypearl Church of Christ our whole worship service is organized around it. That's because meeting with Jesus, receiving his hospitality, embodying unity, and being strengthened for service in Christ's name is central to why we gather in the first place.

When you visit, you will be invited to participate with us in the Lord's Supper. If you would prefer not to participate, you may simply pass the trays of bread and juice when they are handed to you. We also allow parents to determine for themselves whether it is appropriate for their own children to participate.

Non-Instrumental Worship. Christian worship characteristically includes music. When the church gathers, we sing songs of praise to God. At Maypearl Church of Christ, the music is comprised entirely of acapella singing.

Many reasons have been given for this practice in the last two centuries, including the absence of instruments in the New Testament and the instruction to "make music in your heart" (Ephesians 5:19). As a result, acapella worship has become part of the DNA of Churches of Christ. Although some no longer find those arguments persuasive, acapella singing continues to be a beautiful heritage. When we sing acapella, we are united with the Christians who came before us.


When and Where


Sunday Bible Class – 9:00

Sunday Worship – 10:00

Click here to join our Worship Livestream


6091 FM 66, Maypearl, TX 76064

We look forward to having you join us for worship this Sunday! If you have any questions, give us a call at (972) 435–2614 or visit our Contact Us page.

Physical Address:
6091 FM 66
Maypearl, TX 76064

Mailing Address:
PO Box 119
Maypearl, TX 76064

(972) 435-2614 

SUNDAY Bible Class  |  9:00 AM

SUNDAY Worship  |  10:00 AM

WEDNESDAY Midweek  |  6:30 PM