A survey of the Gospel of Luke
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. Infancy Stories — June 4, 2023
We begin our summer in Luke with an overview of the whole book. We then explore the births of Jesus and John the Baptist in Luke 1-2 and see how they serve as an introduction to the Gospel.
2. Rejected in Nazareth — June 11, 2023
Jesus' sermon in Nazareth is a kind of thesis statement in the Gospel of Luke. It gives us a window into Jesus' own understanding of the gospel and his messianic mission.
3. Gospel in Action — June 18, 2023
After Jesus leaves Nazareth, Luke records five chapters' worth of stories in which Jesus puts the good news into action. He performs miracles, confronts powerful people, and teaches how to live in the kingdom.
4. Love God, Love Neighbor — June 25, 2023
Nearly half of the Gospel of Luke narrates Jesus' journey to Jerusalem. In our first pitstop, we meditate on a story in which Jesus is asked about the path of eternal life and he responds.
5. Final Judgment — July 2, 2023
While on the way to Jerusalem, Jesus warns his disciples about the coming judgment and how to be ready for it.
6. Radical Hospitality — July 9, 2023
In Luke 15, Jesus tells a set of three parables that model God's joy over the return and full inclusion of the lost. In the third parable especially, we see how Jesus' grace and radical hospitality toward "tax collectors and sinners" gets perceived as condoning and excusing.
7. Wealth — July 16, 2023
The Gospel of Luke emphasizes Jesus' teaching on money and possessions more than any other Gospel, and that teaching comes to the fore in chapter 16. Jesus tells two parables about the proper and improper uses of wealth.
8. Around the Table — July 23, 2023
Much of Jesus' ministry took place around the dinner table with all kinds of people. The table was a place of compassion and grace, instruction, and faithful presence, and it is connected in all sorts of ways to the practice of the Lord's Supper each Sunday.
9. Jesus and the Powers — July 30, 2023
In this session, we zoom in on scenes that occur while Jesus is in Jerusalem. In the first, he engages in a dispute with the scribes and chief priests who disapprove of his clearing the temple. The second follows Jesus' trials before the Sanhedrin, Pilate, and Herod. Both of these sequences have Jesus exposing the naked self-interest of the powers that be.