A study of Paul's letter to the Philippians
Speakers: Parker Bullard, Kevin Burr
1. Orientation — August 13, 2023
This fall, we are soaking ourselves in the Paul's letter to the church in Philippi. In this introductory class, we look at the situation which gave rise to the letter and at Paul's objectives and themes in it.
2. The Gospel Comes to Philippi — August 20, 2023
In Acts 15, the church models unity in the face of division. But this unity is interrupted by the division between Paul and Barnabas. Then in chapter 16, Paul and his new missionary team arrive in Philippi. Guest teacher Dr. Kevin Burr presents this two chapters as a backdrop for reading Philippians.
3. Theme of Citizenship — August 27, 2023
An important theme in Philippians is Paul's use of the theme of citizenship. He insists that the Christians in Philippi are citizens of another kingdom and that citizenship comes with certain benefits and responsibilities.
4. Theme of Joy — September 3, 2023
An important theme in Philippians is Paul's use of the theme of citizenship. He insists that the Christians in Philippi are citizens of another kingdom and that citizenship comes with certain benefits and responsibilities.
5. Theme of Fellowship — September 10, 2023
Paul leans heavily on the theme of partnership, friendship, and fellowship in Philippians. He calls the church to practice it and draws attention to the evidence that they already practice it.
6. Theme of Honor — September 17, 2023
Honor is a major theme, not only in Philippians but in the whole New Testament. But what exactly is it? And how is honor used to reinforce values, both inside the church and outside it?
7. Theme of Resurrection — September 24, 2023
The book of Philippians is shot through with the hope of resurrection. While a full doctrine of the final resurrection of the dead is not "fleshed out" in this book, it is everywhere assumed and appealed to. In this class, we unpack in detail the hope of resurrection.
8. Tone of Calmness — October 1, 2023
Throughout his short letter to the Philippians, Paul strikes a balance between sounding calm and sounding caring. Calmness and concern for others tug on each other. How do calm people operate, and how are they different from anxious people? And how do we become more calm?