What is evil, why does it happen, and what is God doing about it?
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. The Nature of Evil -- 1/1/23
What makes something "evil"? We begin our study of evil with a comparison of the English word 'evil' and the Hebrew word ra'.
2. The Problem of Evil -- 1/8/23
A survey of several proposed explanations for why bad things happen in the world.
3. How the World Deals with Evil -- 1/15/23
It is popular to believe that history is marching inevitably toward a utopian end. In this view, suffering and evil serve to shape humans. But paradoxically, they must also be eradicated to bring about that utopia. In this lesson, we explore the different ways our culture attempt to ignore, prevent, and confront evil.
4. Evil and Creation -- 1/22/23
What is God doing about evil in the stories of creation and the garden of Eden?
5. Evil in the Old Testament -- 2/5/23
A survey of God's work in the Old Testament to subdue email.
6. Jesus, the Snake Crusher -- 2/12/23
The New Testament presents Jesus as the one who crushed the snake (Gen. 3:15).
7. Living in the Future Now -- 2/19/23
What would it look like if evil disappeared? That is the reality Jesus invites us into here and now.
8. Principles and Best Practices -- 2/26/23
We conclude with remembering some key principles from our study and teasing out some best practices for interacting with people who are hurting.