Who were the biblical prophets, and what were they out to accomplish?
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. Meeting the Prophets -- 12/4/22
Who were the biblical prophets, and what were they out to accomplish?
2. Tasks & Strategies -- 12/11/22
The prophets are people who see the world differently because they remember Torah, are empowered by the Spirit, and have experienced supernatural encounters. They then use poetry, storytelling, and other devices to help their readers see the world differently too.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTpCTDwjHZQ" target="_blank">Watch the video shown in class</a>
3. Justice & Judgment -- 12/18/22
Why do the prophets write oracles of judgment? What prompts these long and often gloomy poems, and what do the prophets hope to accomplish with them?