What are the components of a well-lived life?
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. Orientation — 3/5/23
An introduction to and overview of the book of Proverbs
3. Three Ways to Ruin Your Life — 3/19/23
If you want to ruin your life, Proverbs 1-7 focuses on three easy ways to do that: trust yourself, do wickedness, and sleep around.
6. Lady Wisdom Speaks — 4/9/23
Proverbs 8 is a poem spoken by a figure known as Lady Wisdom. She is a personification of God's wisdom, who was present with him at creation and continues to guide people today.
9. The Art of Speaking — 4/30/23
One of the most common themes in the book of Proverbs is the art of speaking well. In this session, we explore how to speak in ways that bring life and how to avoid speaking in ways that destroy life.
13. Riddles of Agur — 5/28/23
We conclude our study of Proverbs by examining the numerical riddles of Agur in chapter 30. These riddles invite reflection that may have proven useful to a people who were living in exile.