The story of the city in the Bible, its evaluation, and its description.
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. Why Cities Matter -- 7/10/22
We begin a new study on a theology of cities with a survey of the reasons cities matter both to us and to the Bible.
2. What is a City? -- 7/17/22
Before we can think through a theology of the city, we must come to a definition of the city.
3. The Story of the City -- 8/7/22
A survey of the emergence, development, and redemption of the city from Genesis to Revelation.
4. Dangers of the City -- 8/14/22
What does the Bible warn us about regarding the city?
5. Blessings of the City -- 8/21/22
What are the beautiful possibilities in the city?
6. Deuteronomy & the City -- 8/28/22
The book of Deuteronomy gives instructions to Israel on how to live in the city once they leave the wilderness. This makes the book a source of wisdom for us by shaping our imaginations. What could a city look like, and what would it take to get there?
7. Cities, Big & Small (part 1) -- 9/4/22
A comparison of the cultures of large and small cities, using the differences in large and small churches as a guide
8. Cities, Big & Small (part 2) -- 9/11/22
A continuation of our comparison of large and small cities in light of the differences between large and small churches.
9. A Church for Maypearl -- 9/18/22
We bring together everything we've learned in this study and think through what Maypearl needs and who God is calling us to be in this time and place.