An exploration of biblical poetry.
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. Why Study Biblical Poetry? -- 1/2/22
A case for why biblical poetry is worthy of our attention over the course of this study
2. What is Poetry, Anyway? -- 1/9/22
An exploration of the genre of poetry and its defining features.
3. Worship Poetry -- 1/16/22
A look at the form and features of worship poems in the Bible.
4. Worship Poetry Examples -- 1/23/22
We look at two different examples of worship poems, Exodus 15 and Psalm 104.
5. Reflective Poetry -- 1/30/22
A study of the forms of lament and thanksgiving poems in the Psalms and other biblical texts
6. Reflective Poetry Examples -- 2/6/22
A study of Psalm 130, Lamentations 5, and Jonah 2
7. Wisdom Poetry -- 2/13/22
A look at seven different forms of wisdom poetry.
8. Wisdom Poetry Examples-- 2/20/22
A study in Proverbs 6:1-8
9. Prophetic Poetry -- 2/27/22
An introduction to what biblical prophets do and how poetry helps them do it.