A Sunday morning Bible study through Paul's letter to the churches in Galatians.
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. Orientation -- 9/19/21
We begin our study of Paul's letter to the Galatians by getting familiar with the circumstances around the letter and its themes and concerns.
2. The Origin of the Gospel -- 9-26-21
Paul begins his letter by emphasizing the divine origin of his gospel, the message that Jesus has inaugurated a new creation in his death and resurrection. He expresses his frustration that the churches in Galatia have so easily and quickly traded this gospel for a nationalistic message. Then he begins to distance himself from false teachers by explaining his relationship to the apostles in Jerusalem. Chapter 1 leads us to reflect on how the gospel can be made into the exclusive possession of one group or demographic, and on our identity as a sent people.
3. Unity & the Gospel -- 10/3/21
Paul recounts his second trip to Jerusalem and subsequent conflict with Peter. He uses this story to demonstrate that although the message he brings about Jesus is independent of the apostles, it is in harmony with their message.
4. Living by Faith -- 10/10/21
In Galatians 2:15-3:14, Paul addresses two questions: Does Jesus lead us away from the heart of God? And when do you receive the Spirit of God?
5. The Function of the Law -- 10/17/22
What role should the Sinai covenant play in the life of the church? In this message, we look at five such functions.
6. Coming of Age -- 10/24/21
Paul compares the coming of Jesus and our reception of the Spirit with a son who has come of age to inherit his father's estate.
7. Cast Them Out -- 10/31/21
Paul reads the stories in Genesis of Isaac and Ishmael as an allegory for what is now playing out in the life of the Galatian church. He finds in this narrative wise counsel for the church: Cast out the Judaizers who are persecuting you.
8. Freedom! -- 11/7/21
We have been called to freedom! In the section of Galatians we look at next, we see the consequences of returning to spiritual slavery.
9. Flesh & Spirit -- 11/14/21
Paul instructs the Galatians not to abuse their freedom, but to use it in ways consistent with the leading of the Spirit. How do we know when we are led by the Spirit and when we are led by the flesh? Well, the works of the flesh are evident.
10. Freedom & Responsibility -- 11/28/21
Paul gives three examples of how freedom and responsibility work together in practical situations in the life of the church.
11. And in Conclusion -- 12/5/21
We look at the final paragraph of Paul's letter to the Galatians, where he makes one last case for why they should listen to him.