What does the word "gospel" refer to? And what exactly is grace?
Speaker: Parker Bullard
1. Two Visions of the Gospel -- 8/8/21
Parker shares his early understanding of the gospel and what he noticed that led him to rethink his faith.
2. What Story Are We Telling? -- 8/15/21
The gospel is good news. It is an announcement that something good has happened in the world, and in the book of Acts that good thing is the resurrection of Jesus. This raises the question: What story are we telling? Where does the story begin? Where does it end? What goes wrong? And how is it resolved?
3. Sources, Method, & Problem of the Gospel -- 8/22/21
The word "gospel" was not invented by the church, but was appropriated from Roman and Jewish cultures. It is the good news of a king rising to power. This is why the gospel of Jesus is the news that Jesus has displaced human authorities as king and established his own kingdom. At the end of this class, we watched a video from the Bible Project called "The Gospel of the Kingdom." The video is available here.
4. The Gift -- 8/29/21
In the ancient world, "grace" was a normal, everyday word for a gift. In this class, we explore the nature of the gift God has given us.